So far in this module, I have been using images of the solar system as well as landscapes to replace negative space within the building images that I have taken to represent a 'new world' or something beyond our world. Celmins could be a potential artist to research into if i prefer the solar system images more than the landscapes ones. These are simple but effective.
There is a range of images here of landscapes from the 'Wilderness' exhibition. This was my favourite and most resourceful to develop my project further. I love the bold light colours used in some of them as they pop out of the page for instance the vibrant yellow string. I think the mixed up, distorted woodland mural is the most effective due to the scale of it as well it being full of excitement and mystery. Whats beyond the trail leading into the dark forest? The mis-shape of the images throws you off course a little. Each individual rectangle looks like a type of doorway, or window that could be opened up to essentiall another world?
'Jungle Queen 2' by Hew Locke is a mixed medium piece, using different materials to create an image. It could also be an important exploration direction in order to work out if i would prefer to keep my work later on two-dimensional or incorporate 3D elements and other materials. Possibly use natural source material like grass, flowers, bark and so on to place behind the man-man buildings?
Just a few sketches and drawings of architecture that caught my eye. Two completely different styles but each have their own unique aspects about them. I may take inspiration to do some of my own observational sketches in my book that inspire the development later on.
I decided to take images of this sculpture as it does use a mix of man man items such as the rugs, boxes as well as natural ones like the animal skins, twigs and wood. It has made me think further into bringing my work out of its comfort zone of being 2D.
I love the use of vibrancy of the allocated buildings against the monochrome landscape. The surroundings are run down, lifeless and in ruins, almost looking like a post apocalyptic world. The bold, colourful structures do give a sense of hope and happiness to the deserted area that we can see.
Video, moving image and film is an area that I have been eager to explore since doing film studies at A-level. This film has inspired me to try explore film of water, grass and landscape moving and possibily adding still image on top, so you can see hints of the moving image behind. In my 1 to 1 session with Fran as well as the feedback from the last module, comments were made about me incorporating film into my work.